
Help and FAQ for our rooms

Support System

All support and service requests are handled our official Discord server.


Can I change my username?

At the moment we do not offer username changes.

Why can't I use emojis in my username?

We prevent the use of any non-ASCII characters such as emojis, zalgo, special characters, and symbols. Generally speaking, only characters that can be found on your keyboard are acceptable in a nickname. There are several reasons for this, including player visibility, database lookups, and offensive name bypasses. The primary reason is to ensure a player can be recognized at any time, and their stats and rankings can be looked up by newcomers in an easy way. Special characters can allow for impersonation of other players as well as make it difficult to identify and look up a player.

The room says my name has already been taken

You may receive this error when you attempt to join a room from a different device that you initially played on, using the same name. As a result, you will have a different auth code than the one that is logged in the database, the game will interpret this as a player trying to fake, and will kick you. To resolve this, you can do one of the following: Play on the device that you used when you first joined our rooms, update the auth code on your new device, or ask an administrator to update your auth code.

Do I have to play under the nickname my account is linked to?

We understand many players choose to play under numerous names or with slight variations. Fortunately, haxPlanet gives you the freedom to play with any nickname you choose as long as it is appropriate and isn't already taken by another user.

Haxball Auth

What is haxball auth?

Haxball auth acts as an ID to identify players regardless of their nickname. Two players may have the same nickname, but their auth IDs will be unique.

From the headless host documentation

The public ID (auth) is useful to validate that a player is who he claims to be, but can't be used to verify that a player isn't someone else.

How does haxPlanet use my auth and IP address?

After you finish your first game or you register via the website your auth is saved in our database alongside other information such as your IP, and username. Your IP address alongside your auth is used to identify when you join a room and thus log your performance and stats to the appropriate account. Other information is used to enhance the user experience, such as allowing you to sync your stats when you join any of our rooms, without the need for a login, and save your stats as you play games. Should you lose your account, you would lose access to your stats.

How do I manage my auth?

Anyone can view their auth by visiting haxball's official auth site here. Players should copy and store their private key, in case their auth changes. The private key acts as a password, which allows you to authenticate with the public ID. You may notice even if you use a different browser to play, your stats may not be saved, this is because your auth varies between browsers. If your auth changed or you wanted to play on a different browser, for example, you could input your private key on that browser to change your auth ID to the original auth ID you use.


Can I play on multiple accounts?

We define accounts as playing on multiple auth codes, which our platform interprets as unique players. We encourage our users to use one account on our platform to reflect the most honest and accurate rankings. The use of multiple auth codes by a single user creates inconsistencies in a player's reflected skill level and overall rankings. Although we will not delete or remove duplicate accounts, our website verification process is limited to one account per user, and we will not verify multiple accounts.

What is account verification?

Account verification is the verification that you are the owner of a certain auth code, and thus the stats of that auth code are yours. Should you need to change your auth code in the future or make any support inquiries relating to your account, the haxPlanet team can verify you as the owner of that account and prevent any malicious attempts. You can register your account by signing up via the website here.

Can I have my stats transfered?

If for any reason you have created multiple accounts, your stats will not be transferred.

Can my ban be removed?

To be unbanned from a specific room, you may submit a ban appeal on our Discord server. We do not accept appeals for blacklisted users.

Can I have my auth changed?

To ensure the legitimacy and accuracy of our rankings as well as upholding the competitive nature of the platform, we only allow one-to-one mapping between auths and player accounts. As a result, we take manual auth changes very seriously and should be viewed as a last resort. Users of our platform should ensure the safety of their auth string by storing their private key (more info here). Should you need such a request, a manual auth change by sending a ticket in the tickets channel of our Discord server.

Why do I have to input a verification code when I register on the site?

All auth IDs are public, meaning the room host can see the auth ID of anyone in the room. Therefore, we need to ensure that you are the true owner of that auth ID, and we can verify that by you joining with that auth ID.


Gameplay Integrity

Players are expected to play at their best at all times within any match and to avoid any behavior inconsistent with the principles of good sportsmanship, honesty, or fair play. Any of the following is strictly prohibited:

  • Deliberately losing a Game for any reason, or attempting another play to do is a direct violation of our gameplay integrity.
  • Creating multiple accounts in order to intentionally lose games.

I want to suggest an improvement or feature

We are always listening to your requests. Dropping a suggestion in the suggestions channel of our Discord is a great way to not only suggest something but make your suggestion public for other members to see and support.

How do I report abuse or misconduct in the room?

We take reports of abuse very seriously and where a violation of our standards is found, we take action on our platform against the accused. To report a player please direct to the reports channel in our official Discord server. Please refrain from sending reports directly to administrators. We will only respond to reports made in the appropriate channels.

Where can I find the rules for a particular room?

Rules for a specific mode can be found by redirecting to the modes section and selecting the appropriate mode. You can also use the !rules command in the room to view the room's rules.

Room Commands

Our command system

All haxPlanet rooms are integrated with a robust command system offering a suite of useful commands to improve your haxball experience. Most commands are room specific, and you can find commands for a particular mode by joining the room and using the !commands command which will output all commands. You can use the !help command followed by the name of the command to learn more about the command's function.

Use commands by using the ! prefix

  • commandsReturns all the commands you have access to use.
  • helpShows info about any command, !help commands.
  • rulesReturns the rules for the current mode.
  • registerReturns the registration token to register on the site.
  • discordReturns the haxPlanet discord invite.
  • websiteReturns the haxPlanet website link.